Toxic Elephant

Don't bury it in your back yard!

Resolution Evaluation

Posted by matijs 15/07/2006 at 15h13

We’re now more than halfway through the year 2006, so it’s about time to evaluate the status of our new year’s resolutions. Now I realize many people give up on them by the time februari comes around. This is because they think a resolution should be followed all year, instead of being something to strive for all year. That way lies failure, clearly. And it’s also a kind of lazyness: “Oh, it’s now the second of januari, and I’ve already smoked a cigarette/forgot to call my mother/killed a kitten, might as well smoke/not call my mother/kill kittens all year.” If that’s your attitude, resolutions are dead cheap. Lazy bastards.

Anyway, on to my resolutions. Let’s see:

  • Answer all relevant e-mail within a reasonable time.

Well, that’s going pretty badly. Friend requests from cute orkutians, praise for msgconvert, ex-colleages who want to keep in touch, they all go unanswered. Of course I’ve been busy, but that’s really no excuse. My humblest apologies to you all.

  • Find out what I really want to be doing, and do that.

More luck here. I quit my job, after it had turned from just an ok way to make money into a constant source of frustration. So, as of June 1st, I am a self-employed software developer, IT consultant and web designer, which gives me the freedom and tranquility to think thoroughly on where I want to go and how to get there. Where I want to go would probably be somewhere where there is a nice PhD position in computational linguistics or computer science.

  • Post to my blog more regularly. I’m going to try mondays, but don’t hold your breath.

Well, you can all see how that’s going.

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  1. Jurjen said 23/07/2006 at 11h00:

    “ex-colleages who want to keep in touch, they all go unanswered”

    That’s why I sometimes check your blog, just to see if you’re still alive :-)

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